The price of the ELEMONADER is $50,000 (includes trailer)

Recipe for Succcess

Fresh-squeezed Lemonade + the ELEMONADER = Great Profits = Success


  • Creating great fresh squeezed lemonade is easy and very profitable
  • The average cost for a 16 oz. waxed paper cup is under 10 cents
  • Add lemon, sugar, water and ice—your cost is an additional 20 cents
  • The product cost for a cup of fresh squeezed lemonade is less than 30 cents!
  • An average price for a 16 oz. fresh squeezed lemonade is $3.00
  • An average price for a 32 oz. fresh squeezed lemonade is $6.00
  • An average refill price on a 32 oz. cup is $4.00
  • These suggested prices may vary from region to region
The price of the ELEMONADER is $50,000 (includes trailer)